This tutorial will show you how to create and navigate your Google AdWords account:

Step 1 – 3: Creating new campaign – Product Listing Ads (PLA) with the “Shopping” type.

  1. Navigate to “All campaigns” 
  2. “+ CAMPAIGN”
  3. “Shopping”

Step 4 – 15 : Campaign Settings (only necessary steps are included to avoid confusion, the rest can be left as default settings)

4. Set your preferred campaign name.

5. Shopping campaign type - as selected in step 3.

6. Select the Google Merchant Center ID that is linked to your Adwords Account. Adwords will retrieve the product data from this account in which CrescoData will setup the feed.

7. Select your targeted location.

Step 16 - 17  : Creating Ad Group

The campaign setup is complete after saving. You can start / pause the campaign or adjusting bids or budget thereafter.