For all countries that do not available yet for Google Shopping, you can setup the product data used for dynamic display ads at Adwords.
Products can be uploaded as part of the Business Data in Google Adwords functionality.
These uploads have to be done manually for the first time followed by setting scheduled uploads subsequently so that Google can capture any update of your product data accordingly.
Step-wise instruction to upload products to Business Data:
Login to Google Adwords
Go to “Shared Library” > “Business data” in the menu on the left:
Select “+ Data” > “Dynamic display ad feed” > “Custom”:
Specify a name and browse for the file to be uploaded:
The file to be used for uploading can be downloaded using the URL provided by Cresco Data, e.g.:
Click on “Upload and preview” as the bottom of the screen
Depending on the catalog size, results are either displayed straight away or a notification is provided once completed. -
Go to the “Upload history” tab
Check the upload for any errors:
If errors are found, please provide screenshots to Cresco Data -
You can view all products by clicking on “Preview”
Otherwise, click on “Apply”.
In the setup feed page, click “scheduled uploads” and “+Schedule”
Specify the schedule settings and save
Select your preferred update frequency (Daily / First day of the month / weekly).
Select Https and paste the URL provided by CrescoData earlier to the box.
Click save.
Campaign setup
Under campaign, click on “+ CAMPAIGN” and select “Display Network Only”
Specify a campaign name at the top:
Select “Remarketing” on the right:
Select “Use dynamic ads” and as a business type select “Retail”:
Click on the button “Set up remarketing” for more details on the required tracking pixel
Select your bidding strategy and daily budget:
Use advanced settings in the following categories to further enhance your campaign where necessary:
Click on “Save & Continue”
Specify an ad group name along with a daily budget on the newly opened screen:
Setup your audience filter by selecting “Remarketing list”:
Click on “Save and Continue”
Return to the main campaign screen
Dynamic Ad setup
Go to the main campaigns screen and open the “Ads” tab:
Click on “+AD” and select “Ad Gallery”
Select “Dynamic Ads”
Select “Dynamic Product Ads - Image Ads”
Design your feed